Diversity increases our innovative ability and ensures the success of the company
We at Zeppelin are divers. We differ in appearance, have different habits, life plans, competencies and experiences. WE ARE COLOURFUL!
A colourful mix of diverse personalities helps us to reflect better, act more creatively and take smarter decisions. And this is how we ensure our long-term success. The appreciation of diversity and equal opportunities is at the heart of our Diversity, Equity & Inclusion (DEI) initiative at Zeppelin.
We are working specifically on a corporate culture that promotes tolerance and mutual respect and counteracts all forms of discrimination.
Zeppelin is a member of the Diversity Charter (https://www.charta-der-vielfalt.de/en/), a German employer initiative to promote diversity in companies. By signing the Charter, we have made a voluntary commitment to specifically promote diversity and appreciation at Zeppelin.
There are a variety of activities and initiatives around diversity, equal opportunities and inclusion at Zeppelin.